Arrhythmia Clinic

South Denver Cardiology Arrhythmia Clinic

This is a physician-supervised, nurse practitioner-led clinic that has been inspired by other similarly structured programs around the globe which have been shown to be more successful than traditional models of care in controlling arrhythmias and symptoms, preventing hospitalization, decreasing cost, preventing stroke, and effectively treating other contributing health problems.  Our collective goal is to provide you rapid access to the best treatment options to control your heart rhythm, and to improve your overall health and wellbeingWe pride ourselves in delivering research-supported, cutting-edge treatment customized to your individual needs. 

Our Mission: We will be the destination arrhythmia care center for the region and a national model for quality, patient experience, and innovation.   

Our Vision: We aim to implement patient-centered, quality care for treating arrhythmias with early intervention and streamlined access to aggressive risk factor management.   

To contact the Arrhythmia Clinic, 
If you have symptoms, we will ensure you have a clinic appointment scheduled within 72 hours. We are dedicated to your well-being and readily accessible to assist you.
Arrhythmia Clinic Voice mail: 303-738-3080Messages are checked every few hours during business hours (Monday-Friday 7:00-5:00)Staff will return your call within 1-2 business daysPlease do not leave urgent messages.

The arrhythmia clinic is located at the Porter satellite office in the Porter Medical Plaza Building at 2535 S. Downing St. #460, Denver, CO 80210. Get Directions: 

Our Patient Portal is one of our main avenues for communicating with you.  You can ask our nursing staff questions, request appointments, record and track your personal history, pay your bill and renew your prescriptions online. Click here to visit the Patient Portal.

The Arrhythmia Clinic Team: Who are we? At our clinic we take a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to managing arrhythmiasUnder the leadership of Dr. Dan Alyesh, our team includes nurse practitioners, cardiac RNs, LPNs, medical assistants, and schedulers who work collaboratively to implement a patient-centered, integrated, multifaceted care plan.   

Your initial visit will include a comprehensive cardiac evaluation and consultation with an experienced nurse practitioner who will then recommend the best-suited cardiologist for you to meet with after any outstanding cardiac testing is completedThe rest of your comprehensive arrhythmia management plan will be facilitated by our dedicated Arrhythmia Clinic teamYour visits will be conducted by a nurse in collaboration with a nurse practitionerAll clinic visits will be reviewed and overseen by an electrophysiologist; a cardiologist specialized in the heart’s electrical systemOnce your heart rhythm is effectively managed, you will be transitioned out of Arrhythmia Clinic and into the care of the cardiologist that will see you routinely thereafter. 

Meet the Arrhythmia Clinic Team


Electrophysiologist Daniel Alyesh MD Daniel Alyesh, M.D.

William Choe, M.D.

Ryan Jordan - South Denver Cardiology Ryan Jordan, M.D.

Sri Sundaram, M.D.

Nicholas Palmeri, MD


Nurse Practitioners

Nurse Practitioners / Nurses

Barbara Poole
Electrophysiology / Arrhythmia Clinic Lead
Nurse Practitioners,
Joellen Spicer

Nurse Practitioners,
Allison Percevich

Nurse Practitioners,
Katelyn Willhide, RN, BSN
Arrhythmia Clinic Nurse Lead
Specialty RN's,
Amanda Grace, RN, BSN

Specialty RN's,
Nicole Horton, RN, BSN

Specialty RN's,
Marley Kirk, RN, BSN

Specialty RN's,
Lauren Lewars, MA

Clinical Team, Support Team,
Kimberly Latham, RN, BSN

Specialty RN's,
Laurel Miller, RN, BSN

Specialty RN's,

Diagnosing Your Arrhythmia

There are many different tools we use to diagnose heart rhythm problems. Click on the tools below to learn more:

Ambulatory Rhythm Monitoring (Event monitors, Holter monitors, Loop Records)

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ECG (also known as EKG) A non-invasive test that records the heart's electrical activity.


Electrophysiology (EP) study

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Wearable Devices (from the Heart Rhythm Society)

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What is Atrial Fibrillation? (AFib)

South Denver Cardiology is home to six cardiac electrophysiologists (EP) who specialize in preventing and treating abnormal heart rhythms. Sri Sundaram, MD, is one of the EP doctors who specializes in AFib and shares some facts on what AFib is and how it is treated.

South Denver Cardiology participates in Apple watch and A-fib research study

South Denver Cardiology (SDC) has a robust research program, and one of the studies we are involved with is Apple watches detecting Atrial Fibrillation (A-fib) in people wearing them. Colorado’s 9 News (KUSA) did a story on SDC Electrophysiologist Sri Sundaram, MD and a patient of his on this exact topic and how it could be a game changer in the detection of A-fib.

Click to View

In the News from Denver's Channel 7

How an Apple Watch helped one man diagnose and manage atrial fibrillation

SDC Electrophysiologist Nicholas Palmeri, MD, and patient Tom Curran discuss Tom’s story of using his Apple Watch to help him monitor his A-fib and how this technology could save you from having a stroke.

Click to View

Arrhythmias We Treat

Electrophysiology Procedures offered at South Denver Cardiology

Associated Health Problems

There are certain conditions that can affect treatment for your rhythm disorder

Heart Failure

Visit our site

Sleep Apnea


Obesity and Inactivity

Visit our site

Lifestyle Habits


Schedule an appointment

If you think you have a cardiac arrhythmia or want to learn how the South Denver Cardiology Arrhythmia Clinic can help you, please call 303-738-3080  or contact us online to request an appointment.