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American Heart Month Events

American Heart Month

February is American Heart Month. This year marks the 61st year of this annual observance, where organizations such as the American Heart Association shine a spotlight on heart disease and many of the other common heart health issues impacting Americans. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, and American Heart Month plays an important role in helping individuals learn how to live a more heart healthy lifestyle.

At South Denver Cardiology Associates, we’re proud to participate in American Heart Month. As Denver’s leading cardiology clinic, we’re committed to educating our community about the risk factors that contribute to heart disease, as well as the steps you can take to improve your heart health. We’d like to highlight some of the biggest events sponsored by the American Heart Association throughout the month of February so that you’ll know how you can participate in this important occasion.

Important Heart Disease Statistics You Should Know

Each year, the American Heart Association collaborates with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other government agencies to compile the latest statistics on heart disease, stroke and other common cardiovascular conditions. This data is released in the AHA’s Heart Disease and Stroke Statistical Update, providing a valuable resource for cardiologists, researchers, healthcare policymakers, and the general public.

The following data from the AHA report sheds light on the significant impact of heart disease on public health in the United States and underscores the importance of continued efforts associated with research, prevention and treatment:

Major AHA 2025 American Heart Month Events and Initiatives

American Heart Month eventsThe American Heart Association will be leading a variety of events and initiatives throughout the month to raise awareness about cardiovascular health and heart disease prevention. Throughout the month, the AHA will focus on:

Some of the key events and dates to be aware of include:

Important Steps You Can Take to Improve Your Heart Health

how to improve your heart healthAmerican Heart Month provides all of us with an opportunity to reflect on the important steps we can take and lifestyle changes we can make to adopt heart-healthy habits and reduce the risk of heart disease. These include:

South Denver Cardiology Can Help You Maintain Proper Heart Health

At South Denver Cardiology Associates, we offer a wide range of services to help you maintain optimal levels of heart health. Whether you’re currently trying to manage a heart condition, want to stay on top of proper diagnostic and preventive measures, or simply want to learn more about lifestyle changes you can make to improve your heart health, we have you covered with the following services:

Contact us today to schedule an appointment. We serve patients in Denver, Littleton and the surrounding areas.

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