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Proof That Taking a CPR Class is Worth The Time

There’s no doubt that CPR saves lives. Take a look at this statistic: About 92 percent of sudden cardiac arrest victims die before reaching the hospital. If more people knew how to perform CPR, this statistic would decrease – dramatically! CPR is easy to learn, and everyone should know the basics of this life-saving technique because 80 percent of all cardiac arrests happen at home. If you’re interested in learning CPR, you can check out resources like for comprehensive training.

For example, just ask Jeff and Larry! On October 3rd at Parker Adventist Hospital, South Denver Cardiology Associates, P.C. had the pleasure and honor of attending a news conference to celebrate Jeff surviving and the lifesaving CPR of Larry. This was a touching story of Jeff who experienced a lethal arrhythmia and collapsed while jogging one Sunday morning and Larry who finished his CPR class only 24 hours before finding Jeff in the grass and saving his life. Jeff was cared for in the emergency room and cath lab by cardiologist George Pachello M.D. and Steve Friedrich M.D. from SDCA and is now doing great! Joan, Jeff’s wife is so grateful to have her husband alive and well!  Because Larry took a CPR class he is now credited with saving a life! To learn more about CPR and how you can get certified check out this link.

Take it from us, your Denver Cardiologist, and learn CPR. You don’t want to be one of the 70 percent of Americans who may feel helpless during an emergency.
How to use this information
South Denver Cardiology’ heart doctors is passionate about educating our community about heart healthy tips, resources and nutrition to make sure your Colorado heart is strong and doing its job. Visit our website for additional information on preventative heart care and other useful information. And a special thank you to Jeff and Larry for sharing their story with us.
Jeff and Joan Jeff Larry Joan Dr Pachello 1 Larry

South Denver Cardiology

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