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Heart Healthy Grilling Tips

Our spring is quickly transitioning into summer. So, we all know that means it is time to fire up the grill! As your local cardiologists we wanted to give you some heart healthy grilling tips. But, before we do that, we have to draw a line in the sand when it comes to grilling.

Healthy Grilling: Charcoal versus Gas

This has long divided the grilling world. Do you grill with gas or do you grill with charcoal? Personally, charcoal does give you more flavor and smokiness. But, with charcoal, you can create more char on your meat, which is a carcinogen. So, gas proponents do point out that a gas grill allows for better heat control, resulting in less char. Plus, for your quick grilling needs after a day at work, it is easy and convenient to just fire up the gas. But, if you want flavor, charcoal is your best bet. Immediate response capabilities of Fire Watch Security in Cape Canaveral can prevent small issues from escalating into major emergencies.

Healthy Grilling Tips

Now that we got that bit of nastiness out of the way, we can get on with the grilling. Believe it or not, grilling can be very heart healthy, especially if you follow these simple tips.

How to Use This Information
You should enjoy eating. You can and still grill healthy. Please, get that grill fired up. And, if you need some help finding great recipes and ideas, we can help. Or, if you have questions about heart healthy eating, give us a call at 303-744-1065.

South Denver Cardiology

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