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Staying Fit Tips,

Heart Healthy Exercise Options

Summer is the time when all those ads about beach bodies and getting fit for the bikini pop up. While exercising solely for an aesthetic goal is not the approach we’d recommend you take, it’s worth considering what exercise regiment might do your heart some good as temperatures rise and summer adventures await! If you’re not sure what exercises might be good for you to try while being of benefit to the ol’ ticker, we’ve got a few suggestions for you. After all, we know that lack of exercise is a leading factor when it comes to what causes heart disease.
Go for a Run (Start Slow!)
Obviously, running is one of the best cardiac exercises out there. If you’re already a runner, try upping your mileage or improving on your pace. If you haven’t been a runner historically but really want to help your heart out, we recommend you start slow (and consult your doctor first!). There are plenty of apps out there to help you build a solid foundation for your running future, like Couch to 5k and Zombies, Run! for example.
Take to the Pool
Swimming is an amazing full-body workout and you can do it outdoors even on the hottest of days. Swimming laps are great for your cardiac health, but it incorporates a lot of strength as well. If you can swim a few days a week, you may be surprised at how much more fit you look and feel after just a few months. Just remember to keep your hair and skin healthy as well! The chemicals in most pools can cause some damage to both, so we recommend swimming caps and encourage you to shower after you get out of the pool, and always apply moisturizer once you’ve rinsed all that chlorinated water off your body. Visit this website if you’re looking for haircare products for your dreadlocks.
Jump Rope
Don’t worry, we’re not asking you to join a double dutch club (although if that’s your thing, go for it!), but jump rope is a great way to get some quick cardio in, and it fits well into a circuit routine if you’re focusing on strength but want an added cardio boost to turn that circuit into a quick HIIT routine.
Believe it or not, lifting weights can help improve your cardio health as well. If you push your limits but are respectful of when to stop or go down in weight for a set, regular strength workouts can help improve your overall health, cardiac included! After all, your heart’s a muscle, and it benefits from any exercise you can do consistently.
Just Get Moving!
At the end of the day, we encourage you to just move! However it feels best and gets you excited, any exercise is better than none. Visit the website of – Fitness Bargains to explore the available gym equipment you can use for your exercise. If you focus on form, stay intentional, and get that body moving for at least 30 minutes a day, you’re putting yourself in a good position to up your cardiac health, make your heart happy, and live a longer life. Now that’s a summer “beach-ready” plan we can get behind!

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