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Health Benefits of Chocolate

Healthy Thinking,

There isn’t a better way to welcome February than talking about chocolate’s health benefits. Many people will give loved ones a bit of chocolate for Valentine’s Day. But is chocolate…

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Conditions We Treat at Our Arrhythmia Clinic

How We Are Making a Difference,

An irregular heartbeat, often referred to as an arrhythmia, is a condition that occurs when the electrical impulses in your heart don’t work properly, causing a problem with the rhythm…

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Healthy Eating Tips for the Holidays

Recipes & Nutrition,

Holidays come year after year; however, this time of year can still trip you up when it comes to eating healthfully. Parties and big family feasts can be hard to…

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Can Heart Disease Cause Depression?

Healthy Thinking,

The physical challenges associated with heart disease are well documented. However, this is only part of the story for many people. It’s common for individuals with heart disease to also…

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Tips to Reduce Holiday Stress

Healthy Thinking,

The holiday season is here. For many people, this time of year provides an opportunity to connect and celebrate with family and friends. While these holiday celebrations can be joyous…

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Heart Healthy Thanksgiving Dishes

Recipes & Nutrition,

Very few holidays involve as much gluttonous, excessive eating as Thanksgiving. While traditional Thanksgiving meals are filled with a wide range of rich, flavorful, delicious dishes, many of these options…

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