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How We Are Making a Difference

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Arrhythmia vs. Dysrhythmia

How We Are Making a Difference,

If you go online to research heart palpitations, you might find more technical language to describe what you’re experiencing. In performing the search, you might come across terms describing irregular…

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Common Heart Attack Symptoms

How We Are Making a Difference,

A heart attack (or myocardial infarction) can be deadly, but quick action can minimize damage and even save your life. It’s important to understand heart attack symptoms so you know…

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Services Offered at Our Heart Arrhythmia Clinic

How We Are Making a Difference,

The Arrhythmia Clinic at South Denver Cardiology Associates provides comprehensive treatment for a wide range of heart arrhythmia conditions. We strive to provide high quality, patient-centered care that promotes early…

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Early Signs of Heart Disease

How We Are Making a Difference,

Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 30 million American adults have been diagnosed with the condition,…

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Conditions We Treat at Our Arrhythmia Clinic

How We Are Making a Difference,

An irregular heartbeat, often referred to as an arrhythmia, is a condition that occurs when the electrical impulses in your heart don’t work properly, causing a problem with the rhythm…

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What Is Cardiometabolic Disease?

How We Are Making a Difference,

Cardiometabolic disease refers to a group of health conditions that include heart attack, stroke, diabetes, kidney disease, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Taken together, the conditions associated with cardiometabolic disease…

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